Our Profile

Our Profile

High Performance Service Est. (HPS) provides delivery services to freight companies and provide the best leadingcompetencies in this field. We also have numbers and groups of skilled and experiencecouriers in the same field, andthen they are appointed according to the required competencies and quality in Representing the beneficiary companyin the best way, in order to satisty customer of our dealers and the credibility in the delivery promises, and therefore the number of couriers required will be provided to the beneficiary.The Foundation also provides to all its customers the best and best solution in raisiny the level of distribution in terms of quality and speed, track them by the site and manage them at any time.

And the establishment has a group of distinguished memberships of car rental companies and the possibility ofproviding them as soon as needed in a manner that suits the type and amount of mail attached to the supply from the various distribution channels and work on the:e speed of completion in a manner that matches the goals of the institution.

Fahad Ahmed Al Harthi - CEO