Customs & Compliance

Customs & Compliance

HPS and our team of experts are ready to support your compliance needs worldwide. Dealing with shifting regulations, multiple documentation requirements and dynamic tariff changes poses a challenge you don’t have to face alone. With offices around the globe, you can rely on our seamless processes to efficiently support the flow of your supply chain. Our up to date technology provides strict compliance for accurate and timely submission to Customs and other government agencies. We are ready to respond to your needs at all times. Your success is our priority.

Our fully vetted team is here to provide you with assistance for every conceivable aspect of your company’s compliance and customs brokerage needs around the world. Our in-house licensed brokers and their support team bring decades of experience and strategic acumen to navigating the brokerage process throughout the globe.HPS helps ensure your shipments are cleared in a compliant, expedited, and cost-efficient process. Plus, we also offer expedited customs clearance whenever your time critical cargo needs to get through as quickly as possible.